Sunny lives in a castle at Lemshaga. He has two friends who live in a cupboard in the castle: two stuffed animals; the teddy bear Barely and the tiger cub Able. The story is based on these two companions’ outlook upon life. Able lives with the belief that life is full of opportunities, and with a bit of practice these can be realized. Barely on the other hand, does not want to challenge himself by trying new things. He is most concerned with avoiding the risk of failure. He also seeks constant affirmation from those around him. 

One important lesson is that failure can be an important part of learning.
Self-esteem and self-confidence are formed in the early childhood years,, while the self-image, with the right type of support, can be shaped throughout our life. Every now and then we come across problems that are not caused by things, but by our thoughts about things.

This heart-warming story shows us how we can identify and question theses thoughts in a way that makes us feel more at ease and happy inside, and perhaps it also gives us an opportunity to spread this joy out in the world.